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Modern Slavery Transparency Statement

The Caxton Midlands Group Ltd consists of various independent trading limited companies, namely;

  • Caxton Midlands Group Ltd
  • Caxton Builders (Midlands) Ltd
  • Caxton Joinery Ltd
  • Caxton Property Developments Ltd
  • Caxton Facades Ltd

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 introduces two main offences concerning holding a person in slavery, servitude or forced or compulsory labour and arranging or facilitating the travel of another person with a view to that person being exploited.

The Group carries out development and building works including the preparation, construction and fit out of general building structures as well as property development and training. To facilitate this, we use suppliers and contractors to manufacture, fabricate, supply and install component parts and structures and deliver training. This will include;

  • Sourcing and procuring specialist labour from local and national agencies and companies where required to facilitate the construction of a project.
  • Placing orders for the fabrication of component parts within fabrication shops which may be located in the UK, EU or worldwide.
  • Placing orders for the supply of bespoke and standard components which may be located in the UK, EU or
  • Procuring/ contracting plant and equipment to facilitate the construction

To ensure that we only engage with suppliers and contractors who do not knowingly allow this issue to occur, we will implement a due diligence process into modern slavery and human trafficking checks within our supplier approval process for the selection of companies, contractors and suppliers. This will include a specific request for their company procedure and where this does not exist the company/ supplier to sign up to our Policy and objectives.

The Group has identified a direct risk of modern slavery is within the supply of labour for projects from UK, and/ or EU agency/ labour suppliers. To mitigate this risk the Group will carry out a due diligence process to check the agency/ labour supplier has;

  • Evidence of a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  • Evidence of implementation of this
  • Where required by UK law evidence of a Gangmaster license through the Gangmasters Licensing Authority check service.

The Group has identified an indirect risk of modern slavery through the indirect supply of bespoke and standard components or fabrication supplier which in turn may purchase/ source labour and/or materials through a third-party supply chain. To mitigate this risk the Group will carry out a due diligence process to check the materials or fabrication supplier has;

  • Evidence of a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

The Group has reviewed its own employment practices and procedures within the various Companies and is satisfied that there is not any practise which breaches the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

The Group staff have been briefed on this Statement and the group will deliver training to its employees/subcontractors to identify potential acts of modern slavery and human trafficking.

The management team are responsible for ensuring that this policy is understood at all levels of the Group of Companies and for implementing this policy statement and its objectives.

Signed for and on behalf of Caxton Midlands Group Ltd

Andrew Townshend

Managing Director