Caxton Group announce support of Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity
Caxton Group is proud to announce our commitment as a Company Supporter of the Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity. Lighthouse is the only charity dedicated to providing emotional, physical, and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families. Their mission is to ensure that everyone in the construction industry can easily access the help they need, fostering healthy and sustainable futures for both current and future generations.
Proud to support Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity
Vikki Rushton, Caxton Group General Manager commented, “By committing to becoming a Company Supporter, we are helping to provide Lighthouse with the much-needed support and sustainable income they require. This commitment not only allows them to sustain their extensive portfolio of existing resources but also enables them to expand their charitable services to reach even more people. We recognise that promoting better mental health for our workers requires a positive cultural change within our industry. Lighthouse offers something for everyone—whether you work on site, in management, or office based roles. Lighthouse’s vision is that no construction worker or their family should ever feel alone in a crisis, and we are proud to contribute to this vital cause”.
24/7 helpline
Their 24/7 Construction Industry Helpline offers free and confidential support and advice on a huge variety of wellbeing issues. Their expert helpline advisors provide a listening ear and are able to signpost to additional support where necessary. Caseworkers specialise in providing holistic support and working with third party organisations to ensure that callers get the support they need to access all of the possible help available. Call 0345 605 1956 for support.
Text support services
Lighthouse text ‘HARDHAT’ service meets the needs of those who feel uncomfortable speaking with someone on the telephone or maybe find it difficult to find a place and time to talk. The text HARDHAT service provides immediate one-to-one support on a range of wellbeing issues and can signpost to further specialist support if required. Text HARDHAT to 85258 (UK) 50808 (ROI).
Self-support app
The Construction Industry Helpline App is the ultimate self help tool in the palm of your hand. The app focusses on preventative tools and building resilience in the areas of emotional, physical and financial wellbeing. It also offers self-assessment tools, coping strategies and referral pathways to access expert advice and support. Even better, the app checks in with users on a daily basis to monitor their mood and prompts appropriate interventions to help them dependent on the responses given. The app’s geo-locator means that users can be signposted to support services local to where they live as well as national help centres.
Lighthouse Beacons
Lighthouse Beacons are safe spaces for people to come together and talk in a confidential and supportive environment. You can share problems or issues you have faced or are still facing with people from all walks of life in a non-judgemental setting. Their goal is to break the stigma of talking about mental health and for everyone to know that there is always hope, safety and support. Find a club here.
Wellbeing Academy
A huge benefit for our team members, the Wellbeing Academy embraces every style of learning from self-paced eLearning, through to online courses and bespoke onsite training. The academy also offers a variety of courses that support everyone in our industry from soft skills training through to MHFA accredited qualifications.
The Make It Visible Taskforce is part of the Lighthouse Charity who focus on the health and wellbeing of workers in the construction industry, with the aim of reducing suicide, improve the welfare of the workforce and spread awareness of the support available. Emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support – find out more here.
Visit their website to find out more.